Heavy Equipment Transport Services
Machinery for Hire
Transport and Lifting Equipment for Hire
NQ Container and Transport Services provides hire services for transport vehicles and heavy equipment.
Isuzu Tilt/Tray (7 ton capacity) 7m long
Tilt/Trailers (18 ton capacity)-12m long
Step-Deck Tilt Trailer -Lower deck 12.5m @ 850mm deck height
Container Trailer 12m
Step-Deck Trailer with Winch & Ramps 13.5m
Volvo Semi-Prime Mover with Crane -1 ton @ 10m
Sideloaders -12 ton and 35 ton capacity
Tri and Quad Axel Widening Floats To -54 ton
Storage Yard:
238 Scott St, Bungalow Cairns 4870, QLD Australia
PO Box 2400, Cairns, QLD 4870 Australia
Website Created & Hosted by Psyclink Marketing & Consulting for NQ Containers & Transport. All rights reserved 23-24.